The rain falling on the ground or on a seed, then showing a step-by-step sequence of a flower or tree spurting up then continuing to grow could illustrate this.

Showing the vulnerability of a baby, unborn child or scan images in water or in the womb, would illustrate the beginning of life.
Projecting the idea of water creates life or that life relies on water could create a meaningful and memorable poster.
A scan image has a grainy texture that could be made to look like waves or water therefore portraying that an unborn child relies on water for life.

Images inside a rain drop showing prosperity and life flourishing could show that water is required to achieve a helthy and happy life. Everything inside the raindrop could be colourful, healthy and growing and anything outside could be grey, withering and dying.

Typography could be used within the design to get the main "Water is Life" message across.
Water Typography - very important that the text fits the theme of the poster. Utilising typefaces that resemble water or wavey text that could be seen to flow could accomplish this.
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