Saturday, September 25, 2010


I've been researching current CPR instructions on the internet and the vast majority of them are very detailed. Current and previous posters and leaflets are all very cluttered and seem to me that they would be in know way helpful if someone actually needed the procedure.

I think a clear, precise instruction poster or leaflet would be very useful at home or in the work place. Furthermore there seems to be different procedures for young children and infants so there is definitely scope to incorporate this element into the design process.

For my other idea I have noticed there are hundreds of different Peak Flow Meter designs out there but thankfully they all seem to work in the same way. Therefore when producing graphics for the poster design, the mouth piece and guage will be shown in detail.

Instructions on how to use them are minimal and precise which is ideal for the purpose of my idea. However I now need to work out which languages the instructions would be most useful in, if printed for response patients.

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