I've decided instead to try and take the language barrier and apply this thought to the CPR instructions. I thought that, if possible, creating a two part poster campaign:
1. Just clear TEXT instructions &
2. Just IMAGES showing exactly what to do
This could create a simply yet effective idea while aiming to reach all members of the population no matter what language they spoke.

My research into leaflets for the 3 types of CPR (Adult, Child & Infant) was also not in vain as I had an idea to simply focus on teaching child CPR to children. This involved looking at childrens books, the language used and also the illustrations to get a feel for what I could create.
My ideas involved incorporating some kind of character for the children to relate to and perhaps developing the idea into a class lesson with activities and CPR dummies etc. to try and make the process fun, enjoyable as well as educational for the children.